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Coverage for Buyers and Sellers.

New and innovative technologies have setbacks that are not negotiable, but for cloud computing the transparency of vendors and consumers is essential. Approximately 75% of the 1,700 IT managers surveyed in a national survey said that they are more or less confident about the security of the information in the cloud. However, six of the same respondents say they can not accept the cloud more fully until the service provider indicates that they meet the company's compliance requirements. That is, IT administrators want to trust cloud vendors with data, but security breaches may occur. This approach is not surprising given that the number of recently reported data breaches is high. Cloud service providers promise clouds to be used and integrated with flexibility, but the switching of cloud services has not yet evolved. Cloud computing services do not always provide the necessary detailed visibility across all application layers and suppress response time in correcting performance errors.

According to the same recent cloud study, a majority of technology companies exchange long-term reservations on cloud security but are extremely worried about security. In this survey, cloud computing technology vendors clearly show that they need to be more transparent about security measures if they want to become a trusted partner of a company in this environment. Nearly two-thirds of those who participated in the survey said they would like regular security updates from cloud providers. Approximately 60% want to see vendors implement continuous monitoring and access control policies over customer accounts, while about the same percentage said they want to see cloud vendors incorporate security into their system development life cycle.  In conclusion, it is clear that large enterprises are in a position that is easier to request transparency of cloud vendors than small and medium enterprises. However, cloud providers will be sufficiently helpful by proactively providing such transparency to all prospective customers. Higher transparency can become a competitive differentiator for cloud vendors, as so many organizations recognize security as important to the adoption of the cloud.

Exposure and Risk Prevention.

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