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Information Breaches

Cloud computing has become increasingly popular making information more accessible to anyone. Unfortunately, this includes cyberspace attackers. As this new innovative platform has created a plethora of things you can do, it has also created new creative ways to hack into users personal data and confidential information. There have been a total of 495 cloud breaches within the healthcare sector, and over 21.1 million records have been stolen from these malicious attacks. These attacks cost an average of 8.27 million dollars per violation, totaling to 4.1 billion dollars in security breach attacks. Many cloud providers do not have a protection plan in place for these devastating attacks which costs them millions and sometimes billions of dollars. When these breaches occur, companies have a protocol already in place that they follow. Some of these contracts include making users aware of the attack, understanding which services and applications were attacked, and fixing these problems for the future.By restricting constraints on information in cloud platforms, it is possible to acquire various security problems and threats such as data breaches, unreliable connections, resource sharing, data accessibility, and internal attacks. Violations of security may result in accidental or illegal destruction, loss, change, fraudulent disclosure, or access to personal data sent, stored or otherwise processed. There are also various research subjects to accept data breaches in cloud computing. We examine cloud computing, different cloud models, significant security threats and data breach issues currently under consideration in the cloud computing framework. In this white paper, we survey outstanding research and difficulties raising data breaches in cloud computing, providing best practices to service providers, and further cloud servers will strengthen the primary concern in this critical economic scenario.

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