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Cloud Security

Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards and industry certifications, storing data and essential files on external drives always opens up risks. Using cloud-powered technologies means you need to provide your service provider with access to crucial business data. Meanwhile, being a public service opens up cloud service providers to security challenges on a routine basis. The ease in procuring and accessing cloud services can also give nefarious users the ability to scan, recognize and employ loopholes and vulnerabilities in a system. For instance, in a multi-tenant cloud architecture where multiple users are hosted on the same server, a hacker might try to break into the data of other users organized and stored on the same server.  However, such exploits and loopholes are not likely to surface, and the likelihood of a compromise is not high. Cloud computing systems represent one of the most intricate computing operations that currently exists. Current cloud applications include the extensive use of distributed systems that maintain varying degrees of connectivity and utilization Recently, the cloud-based system is focused on the massive popularization of cloud computing Identity management is an essential issue for the possibilities of bringing in all kinds of cloud-based services. This field attracts excellent attention not only from the research field but also from the IT industry. Numerous IDMS (Identity Management System) has been proposed. However, the majority of its systems are widely accepted and not believed to be highly trustworthy due to constraints regarding scope, applicability, and security. To achieve reliability and effectiveness in cloud IDM, we need to conduct further extensive research to examine cloud-based IDMS and its security level critically.

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